The busy busy woman...
Today, Monika and I are hosting another blogfest. This time, the theme is on Women's Health and the posts are written by Registered Dietitians and Lactation Professionals. There is a wonderful variety of posts written. Take some time over then next few days and read through them. Men can (and should) read them too :-)
Steering away from nutrition a bit (but staying within the nurturing part), I'd like to talk about busyness.
Fill in the blanks here for me:
"Once ____(A)______, I'll have more time to___(B)_____"
"A" could be: finishing a degree, the kids going to school, finishing the school year (for homeschoolers), and so on.
"B" could be: exercise more, spend more time with my husband/kids/friends, study the Bible more. I'm not talking about guitar lessons, or something that is for personal enrichment. I'm talking about nurturing activities, such as nurturing your body and spirit as well as your relationships.
My observation is that, the so called milestone "A" comes along and "B" does not follow that easily, if at all. Because our society often overschedules themselves, we come to think that all we need to do is cut back on our commitments. Yes, that's the first step, but it doesn't stop there. There are so many things in our lives that can easily distract us. So we need to be mindful of what is most important, and find a way to do it. Otherwise, our lives may end up like the man in the folk song, Cat's In the Cradle.
Although my observations do not apply just to women, they apply especially to women. Many of my friends who read this blog are very devoted to their families and rightfully so, put their families above themselves. However, it is also important to retreat in order to be refreshed. Even Jesus "snuck out" away from his followers so that he could spend much needed time with his Father. This was an example of how we all need to set apart some time so that we can go back and nurture the ones we love and care about. Otherwise, we start to feel deprived and resentful of all the responsibilities that come about as being a woman or mother. And you know what? That's because we have been neglecting some basic areas in our own lives.
So I hope this blogfest will encourage you to seek to nurture yourself. That your loved ones will support you in this and realize how we all benefit from the process. Self-neglect is not selflessness and self-nurturing is not selfishness.
Have a blessed day!
Other blogfest posts:
Angela White at Blisstree's Breastfeeding 1-2-3 - Helpful Skills of Breastfeeding Counselors
Angie Tillman, RD, LDN, CDE - You Are Beautiful Today
Anthony J. Sepe - Women's Health and Migraines
Ashley Colpaart - Women's health through women
Charisse McElwaine - Spending too much time on the "throne?"
Danielle Omar - Yoga, Mindful Eating and Food Confidence
Diane Preves M.S.,R.D - Balance for Health
Joan Sather - A Woman's Healthy Choices Affect More Than Herself
Julie Langford - 3 Cancer Prevention Tips for Women
Laura Wittke - Fibro Study Recruits Participants
Liz Marr, MS, RD - Reflecting on Family Food Ways and Women's Work
Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA-CPT - Healthy Women, Healthy Business: How Your Health Impacts a Powerful Business
Marsha Hudnall - Breakfast Protein Helps Light Eaters Feel Full
Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, RD - A Nutritionista's Super Foods for Super Skin
Monika Woolsey, MS, RD - To effectively work with PCOS is to understand a woman's health issues throughout her life
Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog - How breastfeeding helps you, too
Rebecca Scritchfield, MA, RD, LD - Four Keys to Wellness, Just for Women
Robin Plotkin, RD, LD - Feeding the Appetites of the Culinary, Epicurious and Nutrition Worlds-One Bite at a Time
Sharon Salomon, MS, RD - Calories, longevity and do I care
Terri L Mozingo, RD, CDN & D. Milton Stokes, MPH, RD, CDN of One Source Nutrition, LLC - Crossing the Line: From Health to Hurt
Wendy Jo Peterson, RD - Watch Your Garden Grow