Thursday, June 19, 2008

Taking charge of your own health

Last week, my friend Nicole shared how she and her family resolved not to eat out for a month and how it has changed their lifestyle for the better. They now eat foods that are less processed and her husband lost the taste for a food that he used to eat every day.

I have heard this kind of story several times. One of the earliest changes in my life was when my mother resolved we would eat salad every dinner time and she made us eat it. Not much later, I missed eating the salad if I were over a friend's house. Ultimately, it sparked my interest on the connection between food and health.

I am always encouraged when I hear of people taking charge of their health, not by dieting or doing some gimmick, but by daring to do things differently. Dieting as we know it is all about deprivation, but a lifestyle change is the realization that our old habits and lifestyle is what is depriving us. Our quality of life has changed so that we see what we were really missing before.

What lifestyle changes have you made (or are in the process of making) to improve your health?


  1. I love when you said, "Dieting as we know it is all about deprivation, but a lifestyle change is the realization that our old habits and lifestyle is what is depriving us."
    Drinking more water and less diet soda continues to be a struggle for me, but each sip counts, right?

  2. Hi there! You are right, each sip does count. I may have given the impression with this post that it's the big changes that matter, but it's the small ones that really do add up. I have known Nicole for years and I know she has been making those changes, in preparation for this big one. Thanks for your comment and welcome to my blog!
