Tributo a Iehovah (Jeová)
This song has been one of my favorites, but over the years, being away from the Brazilian community, it had almost been forgotten. It brings back good memories, but its significance is stronger now than ever. But God has a way of bringing things back to memory. It is on the same CD of the song I posted about yesterday. The video is the what I call the "remix" version, as opposed to the reggae style in the original recording. I will post the lyrics below (except it won't include the new rap segment) and the translation.
Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.
Tributo a Iehovah (Jeová)
Autor: Adhemar de Campos
Eu sou grato por tudo que tenho
O tesouro maior deste mundo
Me foi dado como herança eternal
Maior prova de um amor tão profundo
Tenho vida, alegria, todo o tempo
Tenho amigos, família, muitos irmãos
Foi Jesus, meu amigo verdadeiro
Que fez tudo ao me dar a Salvação
Louvarei ao Senhor em todo o tempo
Seu louvor estará continuamente
Em meus lábios e também no coração
Jesus Cristo será sempre minha canção
Tribute to Jehovah
I am grateful for all that I have
The greatest treasure in this world
Was given to me as an eternal inheritance
The greatest evidence of a deep love
I have life, joy, at all times
I have friends, family and many brothers/sisters
It was Jesus, my true friend
Who did all things when He gave me His salvation
I will praise the Lord at all times
His praise shall continually be
in my mouth and in my heart
Jesus Christ will always be my song
Thanks for sharing these songs. A group of teenagers at my church just sang a song for us on Sunday that was really awesome. When I asked the girl singing about it after church, she told me I could hear it on Youtube and there's a beautiful story behind it.