You may be wondering why I haven't posted on this before halloween. I have three simple reasons:
- I just moved to another state
- I spent my childhood in Australia, where they don't celebrate halloween (although we went trick or treating a few times anyway)
- Since I've lived in the US, I have not lived in areas where people trick or treated (or I didn't know I was supposed to turn the porch light on).
So this was my very first real halloween and I DID give out candy. I realized that, from a nutritionist's perspective, I have a lot of thinking to do about this.
A comment on What to Eat blog said the following: "What kind of killjoy can’t bear to give kids candy on Halloween??! It’s just one day out of the year, and as long as they’re not eating crap for the other 364 days, why ruin the fun?"
No, I don't want to be a killjoy by not giving out candy but the kids were coming around to my place with LOTS of candy. I would say that most of them could have filled at least a one gallon ziplock bag (and that's being conservative here). They definitely had more candy than they could eat in one night.
Furthermore, my 15 month old was bouncing off the wall after eating maybe 6 m&m's .
You've probably heard this before, that all foods are ok, as long as they are eaten in moderation. Well, when does moderation become excess, and at what point does it become a cause for concern or alarm?