Sunday, May 25, 2008

A very special day

Today is my birthday.
Well, that's not the special part of it. Sure there are celebrities with this birthday such as Frank Oz and Lauryn Hill, three friends as well, and I even have some close friends who got married on my birthday. It was a treat because I witnessed their romance unfold.
But what really makes it special is that it's also my dad's birthday. Then, when I turned 15 (a very special birthday in Brazilian culture), I was gifted my first neice. That's right. Three generations on the same day.

This year, my dad turns 70 and my niece 18, two extra special ages. My dad is definitely younger in heart and health than most 70 year olds and is quite capable of doing his work well. Yet it is law that Brazilian government workers retire by age 70. Well, at least this means he will be fit enough to enjoy his retirement.

My niece is now an adult and is preparing for college entrance exams as well as other classifying exams for work. She is no longer the little girl I left in Brazil many years ago, but has matured into a lovely lady.

And here I am in the middle, so far away from them. On the one hand I am sad because I wish I could have spent this milestone birthday with them, but on the other hand I am grateful to be here with my husband and children, as well as to have the internet to bring Argentina and Brazil a bit closer to Northeast Ohio.

Pai & G: Feliz Aniversário! O meu amor por vocês surpreende esta distância que nos separa. Beijos!

And to my friends and readers, I hope you're having a great day.


  1. Happy Birthday, Renata! I wish we could be there to celebrate with you.


  2. Thanks Lew and Alan.
    It was a nice day. It reminds me of how blessed I am to have married into such a group. It certainly made me feel less homesick and more at home too.
