Saturday, March 28, 2009

What about physical activity?

So, you hear me talk about food and nutrition all the time. Well, what about physical activity? Well, I can be the first to tell you that I really fail in that area of my life. But I'm working on it. I have to. I have become increasingly lazy. I can tell in my attitude toward things.

I know that studies show that doing exercise in three 10 minute spurts throughout the day can be as beneficial as 3o minutes at once, but I don't know anything interesting enough to do for that long. Besides, it is rare to have 10 minutes of uninterrupted time around here. Except, of course, after the kids go to bed and I already feel done for the day.

I have considered taking a fitness class, but I'm simply not making time (or money) for something like that right now. But about a month ago I read this post about using a pedometer and it clicked: I can do this! So I finally remembered to buy one and I will start tracking my daily steps and showing it for all of you to see.

People exercise for many different reasons. Many people do it so they can get to particular weight or body shape. For me, being fit and healthy has little to do with weight. It has to do with endurance, a sense of well-being, and being able to sleep well. I confess, however, that I wouldn't mind losing that belly pudge that makes me look like I'm pregnant and just starting to show. I don't think about it that much, but once I noticed another mom had the same belly pudge and I didn't think she looked bad. Actually, I thought she looked great, and that maybe I was being too hard on myself. A few weeks later, she was wearing a maternity shirt --I wasn't! LOL!

So, how are you doing with regard to getting some physical activity? What are some of the things you do, or want to do? Why? What makes it harder or easier for you to be active?

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